Driver Coaching

The State of Fleet Safety

Fleet managers are under immense pressure to navigate the complexities of safety, compliance, and operational efficiency. The persistent issues of risky driving behaviors, inexperienced drivers, rising crash and litigation costs, regulatory hurdles, and high insurance premiums paint a challenging landscape.

$340 Billion

In Crash Related Costs Every Year in the US.

$25 Million

Median Value in Nuclear Verdicts


Commercial vehicle crashes are fatal.


Reduction in Risky Behaviors if coached


Driver Coaching: A Solution

Driver coaching is a transformative solution aimed at enhancing public safety for all road users by significantly improving driving behavior and reducing associated risks. At its core, driver coaching is a 4 step process: 


Identify risky driving behavior either through an audio/video solution or team feedback.


Quantify the severity of the risky behavior displayed, either through an internal fleet criteria or based on best practices and severity. 

Providing targeted feedback and training to drivers, helping them to understand and rectify their mistakes in real time, as well as in the back office.



Measure post coaching driver behavior to get an understanding of whether they’ve reduced unsafe driving habits.

Encouraging a culture of safety within the fleet is a critical aspect of driver coaching. When drivers feel supported and valued, their commitment to safe driving practices increases, which positively impacts the overall safety performance of the fleet.

Additionally, driver coaching helps in cut operational overhead and ensure regulatory compliance by as drivers adhere to the necessary legal and safety standards.

Challenges With Driver Coaching

While driver coaching makes sense on paper, the current market offerings so far have been lackluster. No safety and fleet management vendor today provides world class service in any of the 4 core pillars of coaching.

Inaccurate AI

Inaccurate detection causes false positive alerts and erode driver trust. Drivers begin to ignore valid coaching alerts.

Poor Data Analytics

Incomplete data analytics produce no actionable insights and lead to incorrect incident analysis.

Rudimentary Trail

Rudimentary or no coaching workflows produce minimal tracking metrics. Poor documentation trail in case of litigation causes wrongful convictions.

Inconsistent Methods

Variability in coaching techniques and a lack of standardized protocols lead to inconsistent driver behavior and performance improvements.

Smarter AI Driver Coaching

Smarter AI Driver Coaching redefines coaching and fleet management with a suite of advanced features designed to optimize safety, efficiency, and driver performance.

Bullseye Detection

Industry leading double 9s of precision. Support for auto coaching with modifiable In Cab alerts on edge.

Deep Insights

7 types of event metadata categories with event magnitude to gauge severity. FramePeek for frame-by-frame review.

Documented Evaluation

Trackable coaching sessions and scores with dynamically updating leaderboards and scorecards. Coaching history to keep a track of improvements.

Adaptive Workflows

Customizable driver coaching workflows that work with a coaching program which suits your need.

Streamlined Operations and a Better Bottom Line

The Smarter AI Driver Platform & Coaching deliver measurable benefits that transform fleet operations and driver performance.

Data Driven Decisions

Who, what, where, when, why, how. Detailed event insights with live visibility into fleet operations. Documented evidence trail for proof.

Optimized Costs & Risk

Extended video recall for footage if required. Lower insurance premiums with a safer fleet. Improved driver retention. Hassle-free exoneration with documented proof.

Fleet Performance

Realtime in-cab alerts for immediate driver correction. Custom coaching programs for individual needs. Score tracking for healthy driver competition.

Trusted Security

GDPR, PIPEDA, SOC2 compliance. Military grade data encryption in transit and at rest. Cloud storage in your country of choice.

Get Started Today

All Vehicle Support

State of the art AI cameras, compatible with all vehicle makes, types, and models. 

45 Second Setup

45 second camera install time with zero touch onboarding workflows. 

White Glove Support

World class support along with dedicated account management.

Custom Onboarding

1:1 onboarding with one of our camera solution experts, personalized to your specific use case. 

Ready to Transform Your Fleet Operations?

Take the next step and experience the difference Smarter AI can make in your coaching operations. Have questions or need more information? Reach out to a Smarter AI camera expert at

See Smarter AI Driver Coaching in action with a personalized demo by filling out the form.

Schedule A Demo


  • Smarter AI’s machine learning models, using proprietary algorithms, score drivers based on the risky behaviors they exhibit, known as the driver safety score. This score is utilized to identify drivers who need coaching the most and to incentivize safer drivers. Additionally, it is used to monitor and evaluate drivers' performance post-coaching. A safety score closer to a 100 denotes a very safe driver whereas a lower safety score indicates that a driver might need more coaching.

  • Smarter AI coaching is available on all ADAS and DMS behaviors including, but not limited to, distraction, smoking, eating/drinking, seatbelt violation, tailgating, lane straddling, and more.

  • Driver and fleet safety performance can be tracked in the Smarter AI dashboard under the Safety section. You can choose to drill down by driver, camera, and even personas. Clicking on a certain driver will take you to an in depth report of their driving behavior over a time period that you choose.

  • In cab coaching works by detecting risky driving behaviour (Tailgating, Smoking, Distraction, and more) and providing audible alerts to drivers to take corrective action. Smarter AI’s industry leading AI models ensure double 9s of precision in detecting these behaviors. With Smarter AI, you can also modify the verbiage and accent that needs to be played for the driver. This setting is modifiable on a camera, camera group, or entire fleet level for every risky behavior.

  • According to NHTSA, driver coaching programs effectively reduce risky driving behaviors such as speeding, alcohol impairment, and not wearing seat belts. These behaviors are significant contributors to fatal crashes. In 2020, 45% of fatal crashes involved at least one of these risky behaviors