Product | ADAS & DMS

Event Triggers

What are event triggers?

What are trigger thresholds?

An event trigger is a decision rule that defines the conditions in which an event should be generated. Smarter AI supports a wide range of event triggers related to ADAS and DMS.

Trigger thresholds are the values that control the sensitivity of the trigger and can be adjusted to meet specific customer requirements. For example, consider the trigger threshold for detecting tailgating. This threshold could be set to determine the minimum distance or time gap between vehicles that constitutes tailgating.

For a fleet of light-duty trucks, a shorter following distance might be acceptable, thus requiring a higher threshold for tailgating detection. Conversely, for a fleet of heavy-duty trucks, a longer following distance is typically needed for safe operation, so a lower threshold would be applied to detect tailgating sooner. This customization ensures that the trigger thresholds are tailored to the operational characteristics of different types of vehicles.

What are pre/post event buffers?

The pre-buffer is the time (in seconds) before a trigger generates an event, which defines the event recording's start time. The post-buffer is the time (in seconds) after the trigger generates an event, which defines the event recording's end time. Both parameters control the total length of the event recording.

Smarter AI triggers and thresholds

Smarter AI supports a wide range of ADAS and DMS triggers that can be deployed to your Smarter AI cameras with the ability to modify thresholds. Below is a list of all triggers that Smarter AI supports along with their default thresholds.

Smarter AI Event Triggers
Category Trigger Name Description Parameters Default (Metric) Default (Imperial)
ADAS Collision A vehicle collides with another vehicle or object,
resulting in impact and potential damage.
None N/A N/A
Lane Straddling Driving a vehicle over 2 lanes,
which can disrupt traffic flow and lead to collisions.
Duration 5 s 5 s
Near Collision A vehicle comes dangerously close to a collision,
but avoids it through sudden braking or maneuvers.
None N/A N/A
Rolling Stop Failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign or red light,
instead slowing down but rolling through the intersection.
Speed 3.6 km/h 2.2 mph
Speeding Exceeding the posted speed limit,
increasing the risk of a collision.
Tolerance 8 km/h 5 mph
Tailgating Following too closely behind another vehicle,
reducing the ability to stop safely
and increasing the risk of a collision.
Time to Collision
30 to 60 km/h : 1 s
60 to 90 km/h : 1.25 s
≥ 90 km/h : 1.5 s
18 to 37 mph : 1 s
37 to 56 mph : 1.25 s
≥ 56 mph : 1.5 s
Safe Tailgating When a vehicle merges ahead at an unsafe distance,
and a driver reduces speed to establish a safe following distance.
Time to Collision
30 to 90 km/h : 1 s
90 to 120 km/h : 0.75 s
≥ 120 km/h : 0.5 s
18 to 56 mph : 1 s
56 to 75 mph : 0.75 s
≥ 75 mph : 0.5 s
DMS Distraction A driver’s attention is diverted,
increasing the risk of a collision.
Duration 6 s 6 s
Drinking A driver is detected consuming a beverage,
potentially impairing their control.
Vehicle Speed
5 s
20 km/h
5 s
12.5 mph
No Seatbelt A driver or passenger is not wearing a seatbelt,
violating safety regulations.
Speed 20 km/h/t 12.5 mph
Passenger Disallowed The number of passengers in a vehicle exceeds a permitted limit. Number of Passengers 3 passengers 3 passengers
Phone Usage A driver is detected using a phone,
posing a safety risk.
Duration 5 s 5 s
Smoking A driver is detected smoking while driving,
which can lead to distractions.
None N/A N/A
Telematics Harsh Acceleration A rapid increase in vehicle speed,
indicating aggressive driving.
G force 0.4 G 0.4 G
Harsh Braking A sudden increase in braking force,
indicating an emergency stop or aggressive driving.
G force 0.6 G 0.6 G
Harsh Cornering A fast, sharp turn,
indicating cornering at an unsafe speed.
G force 0.5 G 0.5 G


  • There are 4 combinations to choose from:

    Snapshot and Video: Records a snapshot and a video.

    Snapshot: Records a snapshot..

    Video: Records a video.

    None: Does not record a snapshot or a video.

  • A chime is a sound produced by the camera when it triggers an event.

    A trigger may also include voice coaching, which provides verbal instructions or feedback when an event is triggered.

  • Cooldown is the minimum interval between 2 identical events. It can be adjusted in seconds or disabled.

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